5 Blogging Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Introduced in the 1990s, blogging has come of age. What started out as an online diary has evolved into a sophisticated marketing channel. In the process, individuals and organizations that blog are learning the importance of determining the right topics to cover, the value of engaging headlines and copy, the appearance of blogs, consistency of posting and a host of other variables that can impact the success of the blogging efforts.

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How to Create A Powerful Press Release

In an age of digital media, press releases are an often-overlooked marketing channel. Before the explosion of the internet and the availability of information 24/7, companies used press releases to announce every type of event imaginable. Today, marketers need to embrace new and different ways of getting the attention of editors, journalists and other members of the media.

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Make the Most of Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel marketing. Everyone is talking about it. Yet, when all is said and done, there are often more questions than answers—especially when it comes to identifying the right mediums to use to attract the customers and revenue that companies seek. One reason for this complexity is due the vast number of variables to consider in multichannel marketing.

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8 Tips for Winning Blogging Success

Blogging is an excellent way to provide website visitors and other readers with new, interesting, timely and compelling content that demonstrates thought leadership. Since the first blog was published in 1994, blogs have become a vital means for communicating with prospects and customers. On the positive side, blogs are easy to use and readership continues to rise. On the downside, the ease of use means anyone can be a published author, which is why it is more important than ever to differentiate your content in a sea of blogs

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Integrated Marketing Is the Name of the Game

It’s long been said that one marketing outreach or one touch point does not a campaign make. That’s a no-brainer. In the past, traditional marketing approaches such as direct mail and advertising represented the bulk of a company’s marketing budget. However, they were often carried out independent of one another. That was known as end-to-end marketing. Today, more companies recognize the need to integrate their outreach initiatives and take advantage of all the opportunities available.

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How to Pick Your B2B Marketing Channels Wisely

For all the hoopla and buzz created by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media channels, one has to ask, “Do these outlets really generate business for B2B companies?” While it might be fun to read posts and watch videos, are these the channels that generate the greatest amount of business? Not according to researchers.

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The 7 Essentials of a Marketing Curriculum

As the role of the marketer becomes more complex, organizations require a specialized skill set for those entering the marketplace. Unfortunately, a bachelor’s degree in marketing doesn’t mean that the graduate is prepared for real world. Think about it. If you were hiring a young (or not so young) graduate, what marketing curriculum coursework would

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6 Hot Trends to Spice Up Your B2B Marketing

Every industry has its hot topics…the ones that drive business initiatives and form the foundation for business strategy. B2B marketing is no different. Here are six core themes that marketing teams are busy tackling in their quest to create a competitive differential. These themes also help them better support their business development teams and garner

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Are you experiencing any of these marketing challenges?

Marketing challenges vary from industry to industry. Here are three of the most common concerns we hear and how to address them. Marketing Challenges Competition is on the rise. There’s no question about it. In a global economy, there are more companies providing similar products and services, often at a lower price than U.S. companies

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Are You Using Your Blog for the Right Reasons?

Image credit: www.coxandforkum.com/archives/000478.html As marketing content producers, we see a lot of B2B blogs, some of which are done very well and some that could use some help. One of the most common mistakes we notice is misusing a blog as a press release. Historically, companies have used press releases to promote, announce and create

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7 Tips for Creating Engaging Marketing Content

Producing marketing content that connects with your target audience is a balancing act. You want to convince prospects that your company offers the best services or products. Yet, continually pushing overt sales pieces may disengage the audience. The right mix involves generating content that grabs their attention, provides relevant information and persuades them to contact you

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