How to Use Push and Pull Marketing in Today’s Digitally Transformed Market

Marketing is a vast umbrella term for a complex and constantly changing business necessity. A familiar, but ever-evolving dichotomy is the concept of “push” versus “pull” marketing. Today, push versus pull strategy goes by many names: outbound versus inbound, direct versus indirect, and interruption versus permission. No matter what you call it, “push” and “pull”

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How to Create a Successful B2B Podcast

More than 104 million Americans listen to podcasts regularly—that’s one-third of the country’s population. Podcasts make consuming valuable content possible in any setting, whether at the office, at home or while on the go. They are an excellent source for professionals in any industry to engage with prospects, clients, referrals and strategic partners.

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Why Every B2B Brand Needs Earned Media

Of the various types of media available to marketers, earned media might seem the most difficult to predict and control. It’s one thing when an organization creates its own content, pays for media coverage and shares it across multiple marketing channels. It’s far more powerful when authentic, authoritative and third-party sources mention your brand and share your thought leadership.

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How to Build an Effective Keyword List for Your Marketing Content

A keyword list is a critical element of a successful content marketing strategy. In addition to driving organic traffic to company websites and enhancing SEO, keywords provide a roadmap for content creation by identifying and communicating the topics that connect prospects and customers with an organization. When keywords are used correctly in website content, digital ads and other online marketing materials, marketers can increase brand visibility, boost website authority and showcase thought leadership.

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12 Online Tools to Step Up Your Content Creation Game

Content marketing delivers substantial value to an organization. Benefits include increased search visibility, enhanced brand awareness and improved conversion rates. With advantages like those, it’s no surprise that  46 percent of businesses report they want to increase their content creation spending in 2022. As one of the most cost-effective marketing tactics available, content development doesn’t have to break the bank.

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Mobile Optimization: 5 Reasons to Create a Mobile-First Experience

According to a recent survey, the average American mobile phone user spends approximately three hours on their device every day. As technology evolves, we become increasingly dependent on our mobile devices for communication, information, entertainment and transactions. In fact, 42 percent of users consider their mobile devices the most important resource in their purchasing process.

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Social Media Terms: 36 Definitions Every Marketer Needs to Know

Just over half of the global population, 4.62 billion people, currently use social media. It’s no surprise that 93 percent of marketers worldwide are using social media for marketing, business development, customer service and growth-oriented projects. Social media encompasses well-known platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. It also spans various mediums such as YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Google+, Discord, Reddit and Pinterest. With so many ever-changing platforms, the terminology can become overwhelming. Here are 36 social media terms that every marketer needs to know.

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Don’t Fall Prey to These 5 Content Marketing Misconceptions

With 92% of marketers reporting that their companies view marketing content as a business asset, getting content right is not always easy, but it is essential. Sometimes marketers become overwhelmed by passing trends, conflicting industry advice and widespread misinformation. Also, they get stuck in old ways if they’re not continually reviewing and applying best practices in an ever-changing industry. To keep your content marketing efforts on track, it’s important to avoid today’s common content marketing misconceptions.

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The Death of Third-Party Cookies: What Every Marketer Needs to Know

For years, marketers have been using cookies to track website visitors, enhance user experience, collect data, target messaging and retain user account details and user preferences. But as users seek more and more privacy, governments are increasing regulations. As a result, internet browsers are responding by gradually phasing out third-party cookies. According to Google, “Users are demanding greater privacy—including transparency, choice, and control over how their data is used—and it’s clear the web ecosystem needs to evolve to meet these increasing demands.” To meet these demands, Google began making efforts to reduce third-party cookie usage, with the intent to have it fully phased out by 2023. With approximately 80 percent of advertisers and marketers relying on third-party cookies to boost the impact of their tactics, what does the phaseout mean for marketing professionals?

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How Link Building Adds Value to Your Marketing Strategy

Links are one of the top-two criteria considered in Google’s page ranking algorithm. In fact, 41 percent of SEO experts consider link building to be the most difficult aspect of search optimization. If you’re not currently using or considering how to strategically build a network of valuable content hyperlinks on your website, you’re missing out on a fundamental part of SEO and actively engaging with your target audiences.

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How to Streamline Marketing Using Automation Technology

Marketing automation technology, when integrated successfully, helps companies streamline repetitive tasks, generate more and better leads, nurture existing leads and distribute personalized messaging across varied channels. As a result, marketers can increase efficiency, get better data and grow revenue faster. When incorporating marketing technology into your marketing plan, there are four types of automation to consider.

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Are Blogs Still Worth the Effort as a Marketing Strategy?

Over 409 million people view more than 20 billion blog pages each month. Despite these statistics, headlines such as “Is Blogging Dead?” resurface again and again. Why do so many marketers question the value of blogs in today’s marketing communications arsenal? In part, the answer might have to do with changes in how blogs are defined, which blog practices are followed and how this specific tactic fits into a company’s overall marketing strategy.

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3 Myths About Your Website’s Outbound Links

In today’s digital marketplace, an organization’s website serves as the headquarters for company information, products and services as well as thought leadership. As such, the search engine visibility of your website directly impacts how noticeable your brand is. Marketing tactics like search engine optimization, link building, advertising, content and media mentions contribute to increased website traffic.

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7 Must-Read Books for Personal and Professional Growth

True professionals embrace lifelong learning. As busy as we get—no matter what our role is—it’s still important to stay up to date with the latest industry information, trends and technologies. That makes prioritizing professional growth through continued education an essential habit to help us improve job performance, boost innovative thinking and capitalize on marketplace changes.

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