A Quick Guide to Marketing Podcasts

As marketing professionals, we need stay on top of trends, news and industry insights to maintain a competitive edge. Yet, it can be hard to find the time needed to consume all the relevant content that crosses our paths. Enter podcasts, also known as digital, conversation-based series. They are the new form of talk radio.

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How to Get the Most from White Papers

According to Hubspot, a white paper is “a persuasive, authoritative, in-depth report on a specific topic that presents a problem and provides a solution.” In the B2B marketplace, white papers are among the greatest utilized marketing tools. In fact, 70% of B2B companies rank white papers as one of the most effective forms of marketing content above videos, blogs, newsletters and online presentations.

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20 Tips for Building and Keeping a Social Media Audience

In today’s digital marketplace, a well-thought-out and integrated social media marketing strategy is essential for most companies. Social media is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. When starting out, it can be a challenge to develop a social media audience who will engage with and respond to your content and brand. To make it easier, we’ve compiled 20 tips to launch your strategy.

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The Future is Now: Marketing Technology of Today and Tomorrow

Choosing the right marketing technology investments is difficult. Considerations include short-term needs, long-term goals, budget, resources, ROI and more. Additionally, it is essential that involved staff members understand the technology, its capabilities and functions. There are certain mainstays we can agree on (email, websites and CRM systems), but with the ever-changing world of technology, new, trending and experimental tech can be risky.

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Evergreen Content: The “What, Why, How”

Marketers love their jargon. Whether they are talking about authenticity, KPIs or pain points, marketers have a language of their own. The term “evergreen content” is just another example. Sometimes it can be difficult to decipher passing buzzwords from vital marketing initiatives. However, evergreen content is an important concept for marketers to understand and utilize.

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How to Capitalize on Seasonal Marketing Opportunities

When it comes to B2C marketing, seasons and holiday campaigns bombard us from all angles. Oftentimes, we’ll find winter merchandise and advertisements even before the weather starts to change. Seasonal marketing is trendy, urgent and predictable—three words not often associated with the counterpart B2B marketing. However, does that mean there’s no place for seasonal marketing in the B2B space?

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How to Create Stellar Call-to-Actions (CTA)

The “call to action” (CTA) is an essential component of any marketing initiative. It’s the answer to “what now?” after any article, video, advertisement, blog or other promotional offer. The call to action represents a compelling message that is intended to get your prospects to do what you want them to do. It’s a vital step to lead generation (which 63% of marketers state is their biggest challenge) and also guides prospects through the buying journey. 

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How to Refresh Your Marketing Strategy

You’ve been working your 2018 marketing plan since the beginning of the year, but is it delivering the results you expected? No matter how rock-solid your plan was in January, circumstances change, sometimes dramatically. Therefore, it’s important to evaluate your marketing strategy and adjust your approach based on current market conditions and the results of tactics implemented to date.

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How to Create Synergy in Marketing

This week we continue with our series, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Marketers. The first five habits uncover vital principles and best practices of effective individuals and teams. These five habits identify values that lead to interdependence and meaningful communication. Now that we are near the end of the series, we combine the efforts of all the previous habits to form the sixth: synergy.

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15 Tips to Leverage LinkedIn in Your Marketing Plan

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for connecting professionally, looking for employment opportunities and sharing content. In addition, LinkedIn is considered the number-one platform for lead generation. The platform has 560 million professionals with LinkedIn profiles and an estimated two new profiles are created every minute. The outreach possibilities are endless.

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10 ROI Tactics to Maximize Your Blog’s Return

What’s considered the gold standard of marketing measurement? Analyzing the impact a marketing campaign has on the bottom line. When dollars and resources are tight, companies want to make sure they are getting a solid return on their investment. The ROI on blogs and other types of content marketing is among the highest in communications projects.

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The Top 9 Marketing Communications Projects

Content is still king when it comes to attracting and engaging customers and prospects. But the real key to success is to identify and produce the right mix of projects with compelling messaging that demonstrates your thought leadership and core competencies. To help you accomplish those goals, here is a brief list of content-driven marketing communications projects and their purposes.

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How Contributed Content Fuels the Marketing Effort

It’s no secret that content marketing is a strategy worth investing in, but the success of your content is dependent not only on the message but on its distribution through appropriate marketing channels. A powerful blog, white paper or case study can go unnoticed if it isn’t properly circulated to target audiences. The complicated part is knowing where you will get the biggest bang for your buck. While sharing on social media is a great start, it doesn’t always expose your company and its thought leadership to new and relevant demographics. One effective and often underutilized method of outreach is contributed content or guest posting. As editorial staffs shrink and the demand for content increases, the practice is on the rise, with 61 percent of editors increasing published contributions this year.

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Gated Content: A Right Place and a Right Time

In today’s marketplace, as much as 80% of B2B content is gated. What does that mean? To gate means that specific contact information is required to access content such as a white paper, article, video, ebook or case study. This information usually consists of a name, email address, company, title and possibly a phone number. We’ve all seen it, and most likely, we’ve given up some of our personal information in exchange for a bit of content. But how does gating affect the success and outreach of the specific content marketing asset, let alone the total marketing strategy? Here are the pros and cons of gating content on your website to help determine your decision.

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How to Grow Your Sales Pipeline with Lead Generation Strategies

Today’s B2B marketers face increasing challenges and opportunities. At the end of the day, though, it all comes down to just one key factor: quality lead generation. Traditional marketing objectives include brand awareness, customer loyalty, increased market share, talent recruitment and the introduction of new products and services. But without leads, and the resulting sales, businesses simply can’t exist. While lead generation is hardly a new concept, recent studies show that 77 percent of marketers are focused on improving the quality of leads and nearly half have their sights set on improving the number of leads their efforts attract.

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