6 Marketing Obstacles and How to Tackle Them

Marketing Obstacles
marketing obstacles

Marketing obstacles are a reality. While they vary from industry to industry, some pain points exist across the board. Here are the most common ones we’ve identified through the years along with some tips on how to overcome them.

Overcoming Marketing Obstacles

  1. Lead generation. 63% of marketers state it is their biggest challenge. In fact, this is usually the first topic mentioned when we ask clients about their current marketing needs. Generating quality leads is the first step in providing the sales team with prospects they can convert into paying customers. It just makes sense. If you’re struggling to generate leads, you’re struggling to generate business. To produce quality leads, research the resources that are available to you. These include industry databases, trade show exhibitor and attendee lists, association directories, newspaper and magazine advertisers, internet searches, list development services and a variety of other sources. Establish your criteria for qualifying a prospect before adding an entry to your database or CRM. Then determine the tactics you will use to reach out.
  2. Lack of understanding of the market you serve. Depth of knowledge in this area is essential, but many companies do not take the time to do their homework. To overcome this challenge, figure out where your products and services are best suited. Interview people. Find out what their problems and priorities are. Look for opportunities to provide solutions. 
  3. Shortage of resources. Time, money and personnel deficiencies always create challenges for marketers. There’s never enough of any of them. According to research, 57% of marketers stated time was their number-one challenge. While it may not be possible to create time and money out of thin air, prioritizing needs can help immensely. The development and implementation of a marketing plan that is in line with your organization’s goals is key, especially when strategies and tactics are aligned. Then decide what your priorities are, what you can and can’t do and you’ll
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    be surprised at how much you accomplish. 
  4. Insufficient content marketing. To foster inbound leads, optimize SEO and showcase your company’s expertise, content marketing is a must. However, creating relevant and original ideas that are customer-centric can be difficult. 51% of marketers consider the quality of content the biggest challenge of content production. The strategy we use is tri-fold. First, identify a frequency goal; second, focus on messaging that is newsworthy and relevant; third, determine the right channels to distribute your content to the right audiences. 
  5. No provision for measuring ROI and scaling efforts. There are several important concepts to address here. In real estate, the mantra is “location, location, location.” In marketing, it is “test, test, test.” Avoid end-to-end marketing. Implement multiple programs at one time. Start small and test programs to see what works and what doesn’t. Refine them and expand the ones that are successful. Discontinue the ones that are not. Collect information and data. It can be as simple as asking prospects how they heard about you or adding a visitor analytics tool to your website. For more sophisticated companies, consider using technology that includes metrics and analytics programs to collect relevant data. 
  6. No one knows who you are. People don’t buy services or products from companies they don’t know. However, getting to know a prospect can be incredibly tough when there are countless other companies trying to do the same. Make sure to tap into methods to include visibility, credibility and name recognition in the marketplace. Expand your reach through a mix of content marketing, advertising (digital or print), email campaigns, personalized outreach, referrals, speaking engagements, thought leadership articles in the right magazines, exhibiting at tradeshows, community involvement, volunteering, serving on boards and so on. A word of caution here: Remain genuine, knowledgeable and relevant without being too self-promotional to attract a wider audience. 

Marketing Hurdles

marketing obstacles

There will always be new hurdles to address as companies strive to achieve their goals, but knowing what to expect is half the battle. With a little foresight and understanding, you can harness the tools and tactics required to overcome marketing obstacles.