How To Acclimate Millennials Into The Workforce


As has been true in previous generations, today a college degree is practically a must, even for an entry-level hire. As more and more college graduates are flooding the job market with education under their belt, some wonder how well prepared they are in terms of skills and experiences to adjust to the realities of corporate America. Those born between 1980 and 2000 are often referred to as the “entitled” or “me” generation. Yet that perception is not completely accurate. Rather, millennials have a lot to offer the workplace. They just need to be effectively channeled, supported and motivated.

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Time to Update the Marketing Playbook for Millennials

With 75 million consumers in the group, Millennials are the second largest generation in the United States today…but not for long. This year Millennials will surpass the Baby Boomers to become the largest generation. Since numbers alone don’t create sales, it’s important to know how this group thinks and behaves in order to tap into

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