What is a True Professional and Why Does Being One Matter?


One definition of professional, according to Bing is: “businesslike: conforming to the standards of skill, competence, or character normally expected of a properly qualified and experienced person in a work environment.” In my experience, professionals stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s the way they dress, their interpersonal skills, their leadership abilities, their accomplishments or other measurements, they are a cut above others. Because of this, professionals create a personal brand that earns them the respect and admiration of their colleagues, customers, prospects and others with whom they interact. But, why does it matter? Because those who exhibit these characteristics are likely to experience greater success in in every aspect of their lives.

While opinions about what constitutes a professional vary, the bottom line is that a professional never stops learning. They read. They study. They ask questions and listen. And, they initiate, collaborate and innovate. Through the years, I’ve collected quotes about what makes a person a professional. Perhaps some of these will resonate with you and keep you committed to being the best you can be.

Quotes About Being a Professional

1. Things a professional remembers: the value of time, the success of perseverance, the pleasure of working, the dignity of simplicity, the worth of character, the influence of example, the virtue of patience, the improvement of talent, the joy of originating, the power of kindness (Roy Chitwood, Max Sacks International)

2.  A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn’t feel like it. (Alistair Cooke, British Journalist and Broadcaster)

3.  In business ‘professionalism’ is not a tactic but a moral value. (Amit Kalantri, author)

4.  Six signs of a professional: courteous, reliable, respectful, honest, responsible and competent (Work Babble)

5.  Put your heart, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. (Vikas Runwal, healer and spiritual leader)

6.  We don’t have to be superstars or win championships… All we have to do is learn to rise to every occasion, give our best effort, and make those around us better as we do it. (John Wooden)

7.  People create their own success by learning what they need to learn and then by practicing it until they become proficient at it. (Brian Tracy)

Successful Professionals

Professionals are the kind of people that others respect. They are the first to be considered for promotions. In addition, they are awarded coveted projects or clients, and they achieve success in their careers. But while professionalism is critical to success, it is rarely taught. Consequently, true professionals possess inner drive, passion and focus—an attitude that helps them establish and achieve their personal and career goals. As a result, with the right set of skills combined with humility, integrity and caring, professionals excel in what they do, how they do it and the value they provide.

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