Testimonials: What People Say Speaks Volumes



When it comes to purchasing decisions, it’s the recommendations of other people, our peers in particular, that has the greatest influence on us. In fact, 89% of B2B marketers consider testimonials the most effective form of content marketing when it comes to converting leads into customers. What people say about you or your company speaks volumes. And when customers share their positive experiences, it helps you attract more interested prospects and shorten the sales cycle. That’s why it is important to seek out testimonials, prominently display them and distribute them widely.

Testimonials highlight the benefits of your products or services straight from those who buy and use it. As such, they are helpful to decision makers who look for reassurance that someone with a similar problem or challenge has had success with your organization. With this in mind, let’s look at six different styles of testimonials and how to use them to boost visibility and credibility in today’s marketplace.

6 Styles of Testimonials


  1. Plain Text: This is the most common style of testimonial and the simplest. While it is not necessarily eye-catching, its message is that words matter. When customers send content that is too long or obtuse, edit it (ask for permission, of course) or pull only concise and relevant thoughts. Feature text testimonials on your website, in sales presentations and on print and digital marketing materials.
  2. Images and Text: When you combine these, you can boost the appeal and credibility of your testimonials. In fact, including photos other than stock images can actually increase conversion rates by 161%. The most common correlating image for a testimonial is a headshot of the customer. Make sure all testimonials include name, position and company (with logo whenever possible). Other image possibilities include screenshots of customer tweets or correspondence, photos of your product in use, or call-to-action graphics to keep your prospects clicking. Image and text testimonials are ideal for use on social media and web pages.
  3. Videos: 51.9% of marketing professionals say video testimonials have the best ROI. Success comes alive when prospects can see and hear the customer speak. Video testimonials require more work and often more incentives for the featured customer. However, once put together, they are often the most powerful form of testimonials. They are especially effective with prospects early in the sales cycle or with qualified leads who may be stalled at some point in the decision-making process.
  4. Data Testimonials: This type of testimonial relies on the use of statistics and numbers. Put together by your company, it can include data about the number of customers you’ve helped, the ROI of your products or services, and other marketplace information that pushes a prospect over the tipping point toward making a purchase. Data testimonials appeal to numbers-driven stakeholders like CFOs. 
  5. Social Testimonials: Due to social media’s prevalence, social testimonials can often be collected without requesting them from your clients. Many of us are inclined to share our opinions online without prompting. A quick search can help you locate customers who are already talking about your products or services. Websites like Yelp, Google and Facebook all have review features that enable others to provide feedback. These are great places to start when on the lookout for customer opinions. You also can search by keyword on other platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn or other niche websites where prospects research customer thoughts before making a purchase. Reach out to customers with helpful reviews, pull excerpts and feature them front and center on your website or blog. 
  6. Case Study: While longer and more involved than a simple testimonial, a case study serves the same purpose. It uses a story that recaps your customers’ experiences and how you solved their challenges. Not only does it focus on results, it describes the relationship and how you worked together to achieve your goals. Feature case studies on your website, use them in email campaigns and make sure sales reps have access to them to share with prospects.

Proof Positive


You spend a lot of time, energy and resources building relationships with your customers. When they recognize the value your company provides because you’ve delivered results, built trust and instilled confidence, they are more willing to share their experiences with others. Testimonials deliver the social proof your prospects seek when making a buying decision. They improve lead flow and boost conversion metrics. Testimonials also provide fresh content for your website and help you stand out from the competition. In the end, it’s what people say about you, not what you say about yourself, that really matters.