Time to Celebrate Successes and Foster Positivity


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 took an unexpected, albeit unwanted, turn for most of us. Suddenly, health and safety awareness became a top priority, and daily life changed significantly. As a result, it’s easy to get caught up in the tragedies and statistics posted by news outlets, not to mention the political, healthcare and financial implications associated with the pandemic. But as we move to the “new normal,” a focus on positivity will pave the way for success.

The Power of Positivity

We’ve explored the benefits of positivity and envisioning an ideal future in our blog with Nettie Owens of Sappari Solutions. Her technique involves embodying the future you aim for with a positive outlook. “The brain will believe what you feed it,” she says. “There is research that shows if you just think about the things that you need to do, those areas of your brain will be activated.” By practicing a similar technique as you navigate the post-COVID environment, you can position yourself and those around you for success. By reorienting your vision with positivity, you commit to creating a new reality filled with hopes, dreams, goals and the belief that it is all achievable.

How to Focus on the Positive

  1. Get into the mindset for positive change. When change is necessary, acknowledging the need and being ready for it is essential to improvement. Change is often propelled due to difficulties, but focusing on how to succeed rather than on the challenge itself is vital. Understand that failures are a method of discovery. Consider that big crises like this show us the holes in our systems, which in turn, give us the opportunity to identify what needs work and what is already working.
  2. Create a plan that focuses on positive results. Any business approach requires a strategic plan. Some essential components include company vision and mission, corporate distinction, quantifiable goals, defined strategies, tactics that support the strategies, methods for implementation and tracking. Concentrate on solutions, rather than pitfalls. Utilize Owens’ technique of envisioning a positive future for your plan and train your brain for success.
  3. Celebrate successes with case studies. A great way to create a mindset for success is to capitalize on current achievements. Case studies demonstrate success through real-world examples. They combine storytelling with information and deliver an in-depth look at what it’s like to work with your company. Crafting a case study can help you, your prospects and clients discover the value of your products and services.
  4. Showcase satisfied clients with testimonials. Similar to case studies, testimonials focus on real-world, positive experiences as told by your clients. Testimonials build trust with brands, offer unbiased opinions of how well your products or services work, and have the power to overcome skepticism in the minds of even the toughest prospects. They also help your organization understand what is working well and how to continue to improve.
  5. Feature hardworking employees. Your employees are the lifeblood of your company. Take the time to celebrate their hard work. Acknowledge when they go above and beyond and how the roles they play in reinforcing your company culture. Our recent blog outlined how to use LinkedIn’s newest features to boost engagement, but you can do this via other social media platforms, newsletter or internal communications. This celebration encourages employees to continue their hard work and fosters a culture of shared success.
  6. Learn from “expert optimists.” Rather than let the news overwhelm you, choose to read books, articles or watch films that encourage positivity. In Dr. Erica Miller’s book, “Don’t Tell Me I Can’t Do It,” the author shares five tips for “living life audaciously.” Dr. Miller is a Holocaust survivor who imparts essential recommendations on how to live an optimistic life. Her five tips are:
  • Life is a journey. Go for it. Pursue your dreams.
  • Flex your muscles. You are the captain of your boat of life. Learn to navigate.
  • There is no failure, only challenges that help you prepare for the next opportunity.
  • Hurt brings opportunities. Develop resilience and the ability to learn from the past.
  • Live life today. The past doesn’t own you.

Focus on What Matters Most


When you choose to focus on challenges and pain points, it’s easy for negativity to set in. When this happens, stop, pay attention and remember that crises present opportunities to learn and grow. The fact is we’re all responsible for our thoughts and actions. We have the power (and responsibility) to choose a different mindset—one that is more upbeat, confident and optimistic. When you focus on the positive, you reduce stress and anxiety, stop the negative self-talk, support psychological and physical well-being, and improve your ability to cope during times of stress. At the end of the day, focusing on the positive leads to more positivity in your life. That’s what matters most.