How to Optimize Your Website to Attract and Engage Visitors


Company websites are a vital platform for business interactions. In previous blogs, we’ve talked about how to continually revitalize your website and use KPIs to measure success. Yet, with so many working parts, there are still simple (yet essential) website elements every company can assess, address and implement to optimize the user experience.

6 Tips to Optimize Your Website

  1. Compelling “About Us” Page. While you’d be hard-pressed to find a company website without an “About Us” page, when was the last time you read one that truly stood out? Many companies post a generic description and miss the opportunity to showcase captivating and persuasive content. While it doesn’t have to be long, the “About Us” section is critical. This is because it’s the first place prospects and clients head to so they can learn more about your company. Use storytelling, statistics, video, a company timeline or interactive elements to excite users. Include a call-to-action so users know where to go next. Most importantly, ensure your “About Us” page provides your company’s value proposition.
  2. Congruent Color Scheme. Color plays a vital part in an individual’s emotional and psychological reaction. This is one reason why it plays such a huge role in marketing and website design. Warmer tones like yellow, orange and red convey energy, enthusiasm and creativity. The cooler shades like blue and purple communicate trust, professionalism and reliability. It’s important to maintain a consistent color scheme throughout your entire website. At the same time, make sure your palette is not so busy that it overwhelms visitors. Choose a few key colors for your brand and use them throughout your website and other marketing materials.
  3. Easy-to-Locate Links to Social Media. Oftentimes, we think of social media as a mechanism to encourage others to discover your website. However, unlike social media, most clients and prospects will not interact with your website on a daily basis. Encourage users who know and use your website to interact with and follow your social media profiles. This fosters meaningful and consistent communication, builds relationships and expands marketing reach.
  4. Smart Device Optimization. In today’s digital world, ensuring mobile responsiveness should be a must-do in your website strategy. Today, more than 50 percent of website traffic comes from mobile devices. Most web design and development companies make this a priority when updating existing sites or creating new ones. What is equally important is to optimize any updates, new content and ongoing changes for mobile users. Smart device technology is always changing. It’s important to stay on top of trends and technologies and refine or upgrade your capabilities, or you may lose possible leads.
  5. Testimonials, Reviews or Case Studies. It’s easy to focus on your own thought leadership when considering what content to highlight on your website, but the words of your clients go a long way toward building your brand. Success stories, case studies, personal testimonials or simply highlighting good reviews are a great way to revitalize your website and provide a different, relatable, humanized voice. In fact, 89 percent of B2B marketers consider client testimonials to be the most effective content marketing tactic available to them.
  6. Calls-to-Action (CTAs) on Every Page. Your website menu, through the use of top and bottom toolbars, is going to take care of most of the navigation necessary on your website. However, if visitors don’t have a clear idea of where to go next, it’s easy for them to become disinterested, confused and click out of your website. By always incorporating a call-to-action, you provide prospects and clients with an easy next step that moves them through your website and the sales funnel. CTAs include options to check out your portfolio, sign up for your newsletter, contact a sales representative, access a free trial, download a white paper, read the next blog or make a purchase.

Enhancing the User Experience


For most businesses, a website is a key source for inbound leads. When visitors spend time on your website, they are more educated, more engaged and more likely to make a purchase. Make sure you’re utilizing your website to its fullest potential and optimize its content and functionality for the best possible user experience.