
Get your message out with a white paper!

How would you like to learn a great way to attract new customers to your business? You can—with a professionally-written white paper. You’ve heard the term tossed around, but what is a white paper, anyway? A white paper is a ...

Advertorial content: The Frankenstein of print media

You may know what “editorial” means (that’s on the opinion page in the newspaper, right?), and you probably know what advertising is (the annoying stuff that interrupts my TV show!) But what the heck is “advertorial”? And why do you ...
The Death of Reading?

The Death of Reading?

The popular PBS children’s show Reading Rainbow was canceled recently due to a lack of funding. It ended a 26-year run with host LeVar Burton (you may know him as Star Trek’s Geordi LaForge or Roots’ Kunta Kinte) during which ...