Using Content Marketing to Create a Competitive Advantage

content marketing

Content marketing is an essential component of a marketer’s toolkit. In fact, 92 percent of marketers reported that their companies view content as a business asset. As such, it needs to be one of the key strategies you use to achieve your marketing goals. Yet while the most successful companies are very committed to producing content marketing, only 39 percent have a documented strategy. In this content-is-king era, the need for a strategic approach to content marketing becomes a competitive necessity in the digital marketplace.

What is Content Marketing?

The Content Marketing Institute defines it as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Content marketing is not a sales brochure or promotional advertising. Instead, the goal of content marketing is to provide relevant, meaningful expertise to an audience who will benefit from and find value in the information shared. This connection forms the foundation for multiple marketing initiatives that build marketplace engagement, brand recognition and support for turning interested prospects into satisfied customers.

Six Benefits of Content Marketing

content marketing

Consider these six reasons to make content marketing part of your marketing plan.

  1. Generates qualified leads. When content marketing provides information of value to target audiences, it can act as a gateway for prospects to discover your organization and establish its credibility. Ensure content is representative of expertise, brand and mission and is easily linked back to your firm.
  2. Optimizes website and social media for search engine optimization (SEO). 93 percent of online experiences begin with a search engine. In this context, businesses need to know how to use content marketing and an SEO strategy that utilizes discoverable, searchable and sharable subject matter. “Website visitors arriving from search engines and organic marketing in which content marketing is a key strategy have a lower website bounce rate, an indicator of quality website traffic,” says Melih Oztalay chief executive officer of SmartFinds Marketing. “You want larger audiences to see your brand message and have Google identify inbound keyword links to your website. That requires an understanding of an encompassing content marketing and distribution strategy.”
  3. Increases brand awareness and brand equity. Brand visibility is essential to reach relevant prospects and is the first step in the sales process. If a prospect doesn’t know about your company, they can’t buy from you. Content is a great way to increase name recognition. Once visibility is established, brand equity is next. Brand equity is defined as the public’s valuation of a brand. The measurement of brand equity is derived from consumer knowledge, perceptions and experiences with the brand. While quality products and services are essential to building brand equity, content can greatly propel brand awareness, perceived value and success. Ensure content is brand-aligned and readily represents your company without being self-promotional.
  4. Supports the company’s vision and mission. Good content showcases your values, beliefs and your corporate culture. By aligning content with organizational objectives, prospects, clients, stakeholders and employees can better understand the values that drive your company.
  5. Establishes the organization (and individuals within it) as a respected industry leader and authority in your marketplace. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you earn the position and reputation as a trusted and respected advisor. This role as thought leader puts you heads and shoulders above the competition.
  6. Enhances prospect, client and employee engagement. Many business leaders consider engagement the currency of today. Engagement with prospects is vital to guiding them through the sales funnel. Continued engagement with new and existing customers is essential to customer satisfaction and retention. Employee engagement boosts morale and internal enthusiasm. Whoever you’re communicating with, create content with these goals in mind.

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Building the Bridge

content marketing

Content marketing builds a bridge between brand awareness and lead generation and fills the spaces in between. When delivered with a strategic approach, content marketing increases leads, engagement, name recognition and marketplace visibility—all the essentials businesses need to thrive in any marketplace.

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