Content Development: How to Create Content that Delivers Results

content development

content development

Did you know 58 percent of marketers say “original written content” is the most important type of content to use with current and potential customers? But consistent content creation takes time, energy and brain power, not to mention it can be difficult to continually come up with new and relevant messages. We all have our own style, routine and approach to building our brand and communicating our value proposition to our target audiences. Here are six suggestions to help overcome writer’s block and guide the content development process.

6 Tips for Content Development

content development

  1. Generate ideas. Tap into all available resources to identify industry trends, new insights, different angles and topics that interest your prospects and customers. Valuable resources include colleagues, prospects, clients, corporate executives, other industry leaders, newspapers, books, magazines, talk shows, trade shows, associations and research companies. Keep a running list of topics handy so you always have fresh ideas to pursue and develop.
  1. Determine the purpose. Before jumping into the writing process, take the time to carefully craft your thesis. What do you want to accomplish with each idea or topic? Do you want to persuade, teach, inform or influence your audience? Do you want to encourage them to imagine new possibilities? Once you have identified your purpose, select the most appropriate content format. Remember, certain formats are more effective than others for achieving marketing goals. For example, a blog, article or white paper works well for teaching, informing and communicating thought leadership. On the other hand, an article will have more flexibility, while case studies or testimonials are more effective for selling and persuading.
  1. Conduct research. It’s impossible to write effectively without understanding the subject thoroughly. Read, review and gather information to make sure you have a comprehensive overview of the topic. Look for industry statistics and examples to support your thesis. Even if the readers of your content aren’t experts, they’ll expect you to be, so showcase your knowledge with comprehensive research.
  1. Write and edit. Writing methods, styles, approaches and habits vary. To begin, turn off your inner critic. Just get your ideas down on paper. Then use that content to develop an outline. Determine what fits, what doesn’t and what content is most compelling. The outline format we use includes: an introduction, main points, a conclusion, the research you plan to include and resources you will contact for quotes or additional information. As you start writing, use an attention-grabbing title that tells readers how they will benefit from reading your content. Keep sentences short. Write in the active tense. Avoid jargon or content that seems preachy or self-serving. Use hyperlinks when appropriate, and make sure to cite sources. Once your content is written, it’s time for an edit. Make sure the style is consistent with your brand. Ask for feedback from others. Try flipping the introduction and conclusion. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Check to make sure the content has a logical flow. Most importantly, be sure every paragraph answers the question “so what?” to make sure it provides value to readers.
  1. Publish and distribute. Determine the appropriate place to publish your piece. Whether you publish in an external publication or straight to your own website, ensure links are included that direct audiences back to you and your company. Remember, content paired with captivating images gets 94 percent more total views on average than those without. Accordingly, use photos, graphics and multimedia whenever possible. Today, content isn’t as effective as it could be until it’s distributed across multiple marketing channels to expand marketing outreach. Be sure to share with social media followers, internal audiences, prospects, customers and other stakeholders to maximize your exposure and effectiveness.
  1. Document and analyze your strategy. As with any marketing initiative, it’s important to evaluate your approach and strategy for the content you develop. What did you learn and what would you do differently next time? What feedback did you receive from others? Use metrics and other tools to determine levels of engagement and the responses you received. If you do this, you’ll be ahead of the majority of marketers who operate without a documented content strategy in place. Doing so will help you improve and develop a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Be Proactive

content development

Consistent content development is too important to be left to chance. For 10 tips on how to improve your writing, read our blog on the subject. Then, use the steps we’ve outlined here to create a process that works for you. Remember, the more proactive you are and the more frequently you communicate with your target audiences, the more successful you will be.