Do You Know the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Marketers?

effective marketers

In his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen Covey, outlined the traits of successful individuals. According to Covey, our character is a collection of habits, which have powerful role in our lives, including for effective marketers. Habits consist of knowledge, skill and desire. Knowledge allows us to know what to do, skill gives us the know-how and desire provides the inspiration.

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It’s Time to Focus on the Positive


There’s no question about it. The daily news provides a heavy dose of economic, societal and political woes. In the face of all that negativity, it’s a good time to focus on the positive and remember the value of gratitude. If you’re having trouble visualizing or verbalizing what to be happy about, here are some ideas to consider.

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Motivational Quotes Are More than Warm Fuzzies


If you’ve taken a sales training course or self-improvement seminar, you’ll remember how positive you felt during the training session. That’s because some trainers and speakers are so charismatic that they leave you feeling like you can accomplish anything. That’s the good news. The bad news is: when you walk out the door, what are

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Want to Keep Learning? 7 Books for Personal Development

personal development

It’s early in the year, so there’s still time to focus on how you want to grow and develop during 2016. Here’s a list of personal development books I’ve compiled through the years that I think are meaningful, profound, thought-provoking and helpful. It’s an eclectic list. How many of them have you read? 7 Personal

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Is There Really a Life Outside Work?

In today’s do-more-with-less reality, a balance between work and a personal life seems like an elusive accomplishment. Technology makes employees accessible around the clock. Flexible work schedules and work-from-home models blur the lines between office and home. A more competitive workforce and marketplace means longer hours and increased stress. The compounding negative effects of a

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Turkey Time! 5 Interesting Facts About Thanksgiving

Americans cherish Thanksgiving celebrations surrounding the fourth Thursday of every November. Here are five fun facts you can use to impress friends and family around the Thanksgiving table. Facts about Thanksgiving Benjamin Franklin lobbied to have turkey replace the eagle as our national bird. Benjamin Franklin argued that the wild turkey was a more appropriate national

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Do You Suffer From the Impostor Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome

The Impostor Syndrome was first acknowledged in the 1970s. People who have it do not accept their own accomplishments, dismiss them as luck or timing and believe they are deceiving the outside world. It is found more often in high-achievers than in the general population. While the Impostor Syndrome was thought to be more prevalent

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