What Is A Communications Audit and Why Do I Need One Now?



It’s the time of year when many companies conduct a financial audit to see how they are doing. Yet, few businesses use the same process to audit the performance of their internal and external communications programs. A comprehensive review of these critical initiatives can help companies evaluate the frequency, effectiveness of messaging, the mediums used in their outbound communications and identify any missed opportunities for interacting with clients and prospects. Here are four reasons why you should conduct a communications audit before finalizing your marketing plan for 2016.

4 Reasons For Conducting a Communications Audit

1. Moving forward means taking a look back. As you plan 2016 marketing initiatives, it is important to understand what worked and, perhaps more importantly, what didn’t. Whether the goal was to generate leads, build brand awareness or increase web traffic, each program needs to be evaluated for its effectiveness in reaching strategic goals.

2. Corporate messaging needs an update. In an ever-changing marketplace, it is important to regularly evaluate and update corporate messaging. Have the needs of your clients and prospects changed? Are the messages you are conveying appealing to your target audiences in a clear, consistent and unified way? Are the right messages getting to the right audiences through the proper mediums?


3. Identify opportunities. Part of a comprehensive audit is a SWOT analysis. This simple process helps identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with your communications strategies. The goal of this practice is to pinpoint opportunities for change and uncover new ways to maximize chances to better engage with your clients and prospects.

4. Budgets need back-up. With marketing budgets under increased scrutiny, executives are looking for hard data to justify every expenditure. By performing a communications audit, you will create a cause-and-effect accounting of each marketing tactic and demonstrate what needs to be done to achieve strategic goals.

Communications Audits Reveal Possibilities

Concept of Marketing plan in business

Because a communications audit takes time and the resources of an already overloaded marketing team, it can be easy to put off. If you could use some help with this key initiative, Trade Press Services would be happy to provide a complimentary review of your current marketing communications strategy. You can email us or call our offices at (805) 496-8850 for more information.

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