Get your message out with a white paper!

How would you like to learn a great way to attract new customers to your business? You can—with a professionally-written white paper.

You’ve heard the term tossed around, but what is a white paper, anyway? A white paper is a report that is intended to dreamstimefree_2737223be the definitive statement on a particular topic or issue. Lots of types of organizations write white papers, for lots of different reasons—governments spelling out official policy, for example. In the business world, a white paper not only establishes your product or solution as superior to the competition but positions you (or your company) as a thought leader.

A white paper is first and foremost a marketing tool. It should be written with your customers in mind, and should seek to address their problems, needs, or concerns. The length of the paper can vary, but again, keep your audience in mind. A highly technical consumer will be more tolerant of a longer, more detailed document than will a less technical buyer.

Whoever the audience, it’s important to grab their attention quickly. Remember, no one is forcing them to read your white paper. In the first few sentences, it’s key to catch their attention with phrases that will resonate with them. For example, “Are you tired of missing important e-mails because your spam filter does its job too well?” or “Finally—a document solution that combines the low cost of black and white with the professional look of color.”

Now you’ve got them on the hook! Next, reel them in with the specifics of exactly how your product or service can solve their problem. Be sure to include figures, stats or studies that support your claim. Testimonials from customers who have experienced success with your product work well, too.

Finally, wrap it up with a concise, compelling summary that restates your key points and includes a call to action: “To reclaim your inbox, call E-mail Solutions today.”

Trade Press Services can help you craft an effective white paper that will help your company get its message out to your audience.